Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thank you to our readers...

As we reach the end of another year, Jeong, Veronica, and I will take this opportunity to thank the many readers of this blog from around the world, whetheryou follow the CITE occasionally or regularly. A special thanks to those who contributed with thoughts, comments, encouragements and even disagreements.

In the past year, numerous innovations, emerging technologies and other developments affected the course materials and retail industries -- from Borders closing and the rise of the tablet, to new course material providers, growth in price comparison, rapid adoption of rental models, and new legislation. 2011 was an eventful year, and 2012 promises to provide an even faster pace as digital course materials and mobile technologies begin to pass the "knee of the curve" and move toward meaningful adoption. The question, of course, is, "Who will control the channel and markets for the new course material formats?"

In 2012 NACS Media Solutions (NMS) and the CITE will take time to focus on some very specific themes. In line with our "Market Share, Not Margins" theme of the past couple years, this year we will emphasize "Grow Custom." We will take time to highlight companies and technologies that grow 'smart custom', why custom is good business practice, and how custom provides increased value to faculty and students. Our real "Grow Custom" campaign will kick off with CAMEX in March, so stay tuned for that and other announcements and developments.
As for The CITE, we welcome your feedback, as always. Readership was down this year, due in part to the summer hiatus, as well as possibly other reasons. There are far more voices out there now talking about changes in course materials, and so some of the original purpose of The CITE is now somewhat served by others. However, the CITE did earn a top 5 spot among the "50 Best Textbook Blogs" this year, and saw its 1000th posting after passing its third year of existance. Many thanks to our readers -- new, old, regular, or occasional, North American, or abroad.

Hoping for a happy and prosperous new year to you all!!

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