Thursday, May 19, 2011

Looks Like Tablets Are Ready for School

The Apple iPad pilot programs on college campuses have been completed and Vineet Madan, vice president, McGraw-Hill Higher Education eLabs, says the device passed the test. In fact, he offers six reasons why tablet computing is ready to take the classroom by storm.

Versatility is the first reason Madan cites, noting that enhanced e-books provide text, video, and audio, making for a more integrated learning experience that is more engaging for students. In addition, the iPad allows students to highlight and jot notes in the margin, just like in a printed book.

Students’ growing familiarity with touchscreen technology is another reason to think tablets are ready for the classroom, according to Madan. The tablet also appeals to students because it is thin, lightweight, and turns over much quicker than a laptop with much longer battery life, while innovative software is being developed specifically for tablets to render them compatible with online teaching and learning platforms.

Tablets also align with cloud-based computing solutions, which are becoming more popular on campuses because of their portability and constant connection to the Internet. Finally, Madan reminds readers that tablets are much easier to acquire now and increased competition from Android OS devices will only drive prices down on all tablet models.

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